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Script Competition

Terms & Conditions

The Edge of the World Films Short Script Competition’s mission is to produce short films with A professional cast and crew from short film scripts found through this competition.


Please read carefully these Terms & Conditions before sending any scripts to the Edge of the World Film Short Script Competition. 


1.   Screenplays entered must:

a. not include the writer’s or writing team’s name(s) or contact information on any page of the script including the title page,

b. include a title page,

c. be submitted in PDF form and must fit all standard screenplay format guidelines which can be easily found using                     professional script writing software and or an internet search,

d. be 10 pages or under,

e. be owned solely by the writer or writing team listed. It may be an adaptation or reimagining of true events or fictional               stories. It may not be a sequel to or prequel to any script or movie not owned by the writer or writing team,

f.  be written in English.

      If these first set of conditions are not adhered to then the script(s) will be disqualified.

2.   All rights to the script or scripts chosen to be produced by Edge of the World Films into a short film will remain with the original       writer. Should there be a need to alter any small aspect of the chosen script when it goes into production the writer should be         willing to work with the script editor and/or director to develop the idea. If this should occur the rights to the script still remain           with the writer.


3.   Judging will be based on all aspects that make stories great: character, plot, originality, dialogue, craft, and structure:

      a. Overall Impression – A general feeling of your script, writing, and story.

      b. Plot – Scene structure, conflict, tension, logic, and flow will all be taken into account.

      c. Character –  Complexity, uniqueness, and arc are taken into account.

      d. Concept – It should be strong enough to carry the story, but doesn’t need to be marketable.

      e. Originality – How fresh are your story, characters, and ideas.

       f. Style – The style is easy to read, enjoyable, and consistent with the tone and story.

      g. Catharsis – Does the short drive an emotion (laughter, shock, sadness) in the reader.


4.   Writer must be 18 years of age or older at the time of submission, or the script(s) will be disqualified.


5.   Screenplays entered maybe in any genre or combination of genres. All will be treated equally and read by an unbiased panel         of judges.


6.   Screenplays submitted must not have been previously sold or produced unless said sale or production was competed with no         financial gain to the writer, or the script(s) will be disqualified.


7.   Any scripts over 10 pages will be disqualified.


8.   Any script with an overly amount of spelling mistakes will be disqualified. Remember this is a professional document, please           treat it as such.


9.   Once a script is in the competition system alterations are not permitted.


10. There is no limit on the number of scripts a writer or writing team may submit.


11. The decision of the judges will be final and cannot be contested in any manner.


12.  Edge of the World Films reserves the right to delay announcements for any reason. Delay may last up to but never more than        90 days. While we never anticipate any delays, such delays will not alter the standing of any screenplay entry and will qualify          no script for a refund under any circumstance.


13.  By entering the The Edge of the World Films Short Script Competition every entrant is agreeing to all Edge of the World Films        Terms and Conditions listed and available before checkout. If you disagree with any terms you may not submit to the contest.


14.  By submitting to the contest you are releasing your script to Edge of the World Films and holding harmless Edge of the World        Films or any affiliates from any claims, expenses, and liabilities, including but not limited to invasion of privacy, defamation,            copyright, libel, trademark infringement, slander, personal property infringement, etc.


15.  Any winners may be required to sign an affidavit validating their entry into the contest.


16.  Any winners may have their name, script title, and picture used for any Edge of the World Films promotions or promotions of          the produced short film.


17.  Former Grand Prize Winners of any Edge of the World Films contest may enter so long as it is NOT the same script that won          in a previous year. Any other placement in former years does not disqualify the script from being entered this year.

When sending in your script(s) to the competition please make sure you include the following details in the body of the email:

Film Title & Length

Full name of writer(s)


Phone Number


Your script will be given a unique reference number when it arrives into the competition.

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I work with local actors, performers, musicians, theatre companies and businesses creating content.

Terry Dray created the company in 1997 whilst attending Film School in Edinburgh. 




Annon, Dumfriesshire

Bathgate, West Lothian

Terry 07969 879007

Calum 07714 170368‬

© 1997-2025 EdgeoftheWorldFilms/TerryDray
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